Dress Code
"Do not let your adornment be [merelyl outward--arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on [find apparel-- rather [let it bel the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible [beautyl of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God."
1 Peter 3:3

Dress Code Parameters
All students will abide by the dress code policy for Calvary Chapel High School as listed:

  1. When in attendance during the regular school day which begins "0" Period 7:00 A,M. through 3:30 P.M.
  2. Acceptable outerwear will include letterman jackets, letterman sweaters, zip up jackets or sweatshirts and fleece or cotton pullover sweatshirts or sweaters in black, blue, white or yellow. School spirit wear may also be worn with administrative approval.
  3. No blankets are allowed.
  4. Hats, beanies or bandanas arc not allowed to be worn in the classroom or Chapel at any time. Hats may be worn outside before or after school and at lunch. NOTE: REMOVE ALL HATS, BEANIES OR BANDANAS WHEN ENTERING ANY ROOM (Including Chapel).
  5. No sweats, pajama bottoms or jogging warm-ups will be worn.
  6. You arc not required to tuck your shirts in. However, if you tuck your shirt in, a belt must be worn.
  7. All students must wear shoes or flip-flops. You may wear any style that you prefer. However, no bedroom slippers will be allowed.
  8. No earrings on boys.
  9. No visible body piercing (other than earrings on the ears of girls).
  10. No visible tattoos.
  11. All students will abide by the dress code policy during any and all field trips.
    1. NO “T” shirts, jackets, etc., that advertise secular rock groups, alcohol, drugs, sex or offensive material.
    2. NO Mohawks, Mohawk pony-tails and/or painted hair.
    3. NO Skin tight clothing.
    4. NO Underwear showing on male or female students.
    5. NO Fishnet stockings
  13. Dress Code Violation Disciplinary Actions

1st Offense - Warning given to student. Student must fix violation immediately if possible. If violation is not readily fixed, student will be given a Dress Code Violation, and will be sent home immediately.
2nd Offense - Will result in a Dress Code Violation and student may be sent home after a parent/guardian has been contacted.
3rd Offense - Will result in a 8th period detention and may be sent home after a parent/guardian has been contacted. Student will not be allowed to make up any work for classes missed. 
4th Offense - Will result in a Saturday School and may be sent home after a parent/guardian has been contacted. Student will not be allowed to make up any work for classes missed.
5th Offense - May result in a one day suspension with parent conference. Student will not be allowed to make up any work for classes missed.
6th Offense - May result in a three day suspension with parent conference. Student will not be allowed to make up any work for classes missed.

7th Offense - Student may be given an indefinite suspension pending possible Expulsion after a parent conference.


Class Schedule Changes

Drop Procedures

Report Cards & Progress Reports

Academic Probation

Dress Code