Thank you for praying for our GO Missions Team!

Before you talk to the people about God, Talk to God about the people. Everything starts with prayer. This was something we saw lived out at YWAM San Francisco and we learned to put into practice in our daily lives. We started our journey to the city by the bay with the encouragement to see people, look them in the eyes, smile , validate them as a child of God, to see them as He sees them even if they are not living into that reality. We were encouraged to do the same for our team mates. Everyone wants to be seen, heard and to feel that they matter. As we arrived at YWAM we were trained on how to do ministry in the tenderloin area and got to go out in groups to serve hot chocolate and pray with people living on the streets. Many of our preconceived notions about the homeless community were challenged as we listened to their stories and prayed with them. We were challenged to learn their names so we could continue the ministry in prayer as we returned home. We were reminded that we may be the only person praying for that person that day. On Saturday we were happy to see some familiar faces from Friday night come to the community lunch as we served our homeless friends a lunch that would rival any nice restaurant. Rather than just waiting in a cafeteria line for food slopped on a plate, we transformed the community room into a café where our students, became waitresses, chefs, hostesses and entertainment. Our guests were invited to come and share a meal with us and relax as some of our students and staff played and sang worship. That evening we ventured out to Union Square and gave out free Starbucks coffee, played worship and prayed with anyone who was willing. This was harder for many of us, but as we made ourselves available, God showed up and brought people who needed a word from Him. The team bonded and saw new and fresh ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We learned that often times it is just about creating space, speaking kindness, listening to others and doing what we can to bless another person without looking for anything in return.