CCHS Homecoming Tailgate & Game

CCHS Homecoming Tailgate & Game
10/26/2017, 4:30 PM 10:00 PM
CCHS Parking Lot & OCC Le Bard Stadium

You are invited to this year's homecoming, #Toon Into Homecoming! Pre-game Tailgate will be @4:30 PM in the parking lot of CCHS. Bring your own BBQ, food & drinks, and school pride! Students, families & Alumni, come enjoy fellowship & get ready to cheer on our Calvary Chapel Eagles! 

Shuttle transportation to the Le Bard Stadium will be available starting at 6:30 PM. Pre-game performance will begin @7PM. The Football Game* kick-off is @7:30 PM! There will be a return shuttle to CCHS following the game.

Alumni - At the game, be sure to check-in at the Alumni table for a wristband that gets you entrance to a prime, Alumni only section and a special gift.

*Football Game Entrance Fee:  Adult Admission $10/ CCS Students FREE w/student ID

See you there!

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